English Language, Literature & Culture

Special Issue

Literature and Catholicism in the 20th Century

  • Submission Deadline: 28 February 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: David Torevell
About This Special Issue
This special issue will investigate how classic 20th century literary texts (drama. poetry, novel) have reflected in ground-breaking and memorable ways the distinctive features of a Catholic philosophy of education and life. The issue seeks to demonstrate how literature, by its powerful ability to capture the imagination, is able to evoke and mirror facets of human experience related specifically to a Catholic philosophy of life. Literary analysis of the chosen texts will be non-proselytising but demonstrate how they draw in the curiosity of readers in more engaging ways than many dogmatic, ecclesial tracts which can, at times, dull the glow of living ‘a life to the full’ (John 10, 10) about which St John is so passionate. Possible authors for considerable might include T.S Eliot, Graham Greene, David Lodge, Muriel Spark, Thomas Merton, Flannery O'Connor, Toni Morrissey and lots others. Key features of a Catholic philosophy of life might include, but are in no way restricted to, the following: Eroticism and desire; love; justice; beauty; goodness; truth; holiness; mercy; prayerfulness; the sacred and transcendent; the common good; the preferential option for the poor; humanity in the image of God (imago dei); the fallen nature of humanity; immortality; providence; vocation and discernment; sacramentality and divine presence; metanoia (change of heart); redemption and forgiveness; grace. There will be an introduction by the editor contextualising the work, indicating the considerable interest this burgeoning and important research field is experiencing at the present time.


  1. Catholicism
  2. 20th Century Literary Works
  3. Catholic Philosophy of Life
  4. Imagination
  5. Sacramentality
Lead Guest Editor
  • David Torevell

    Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Sreelane, Ireland